Saturday, August 30, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim and the Helicopter

It has become almost a ritual every night of Anwar Ibrahim’s campaign. Minutes into his speech at ceramahs, a hovering helicopter appears beaming white light onto the stage and the audience below. The ardent supporters by their thousands then cheer and shouts of “boo” and some hurl abuse at the formidable machine up in the sky. The helicopter maneuvers and then hovers away.

It has become an interesting feature as part of the whole unique events taking place in Permatang Pauh. It seems almost surreal as if at a far out concert with the heli shining out white light to glow at the performers and the raving fans.

Some say it is there to keep the peace. Others say it is taking videos and aerial photographs to gauge Anwar’s support. It is said to be sending continuous assessments upstairs. The police may have been counting the number of white caps of Anwar’s supporters and sympathizers. But what about the numerous others who attend without the head caps including the Chinese and Indians. Only Anwar can pull out events that attract all of them and somehow his detractors claim that he is a threat to national unity. They are so out of touch that they need this expensive piece of device hovering up in the sky.

It simply shows who the real Goliath is. BN with its security apparatus, money and dirty tricks seems to be having a field day at taunting, slandering and assassinating Anwar and his supporters. The mass media feeds preposterous claims including faking bomb threats, speeches from scandalous defectors, uttering self damning oaths and issuing unbecoming fatwas from cheap “scholars”.

Do they really think people are that stupid and could steep so sordidly low? Have we noticed the low turnout of national flags out on public display apparently indicating general dissatisfaction among the masses?

By the way a sleepy PM suddenly woke up to find out just how the public live their lives traveling on rail commuters. He must have been dozing in his sleepy cocoon all these years. Anyway that is what is called a photo-op, it happens all the time in the West. Bush goes to Iraq, takes photos shaking hands with local Iraqis and is speedily taken away from the danger zone on a heli back to safety. It is over in minutes. A sincere PM would have gone unannounced and come out with action and results to help the public. To KL and Klang Valley citizens, they have already shoved him and his clique out of their lives.

Permatang Pauh has always kicked Pak Lah out for good!

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